Friday, July 30, 2010

þu ert svo god, kusa kyr, Bukolla min

July 25, 2010

Once again, I am going to attempt to update about 6 days of action packed vacation in a very short time, so the following entries are going to be much briefer than I would like.

I don´t think I woke up on Sunday until well afternoon, probably around 2:00 p.m., and I admit that I felt quite bad, especially in the head and in the stomach. I wasn´t up for much, but Eva, Silla and Emilia and I went to get burgers at Hamborgarafabrikkan (the Hamburger Factory) near the harbor, and the site of the historic summit between Reagan and Gorbachev in 1986 (the restaurant relies heavily upon this theme). I ordered the Morthens burger, named after Iceland´s most famous singer, Bubbi Morthens (cheese, bacon, sauce?), with a square bun, and fries. It was delicious. For dessert I had skyr (icelandic yoghurt) cheesecake, and tasted the chocolate cake, ice cream and milk shake the the others tried. Next to our table was a statue of a giant blue cow and on the wall was a sign listing the number of people living in Iceland. After this meal, I felt much better.

Came back to the house and went to sleep for a few hours.

With only hours to spare, spent the next few hours with Eva´s family figuring out what gear I would need for the 4 day Laugavegurinn trek, including rain pants, rain jacket, gloves, hat, sleeping bag, etc. I had almost no experience camping, especially in the Icelandic highlands, so getting this right was very important.

I spent the hours of 10:30 pm through 1 a.m. updating this blog. I was tired, but very, very nervous, and had trouble falling asleep.

Björk -- Bukolla

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