Between the enthusiastic words describing Interlaken, Switzerland, provided in Lonely Planet Europe, the advice of my coworker AE, my brother and L in Florence, I decided that it was in my best interest to make that small city (between 5,000 and 6,000 people) my next stop. Sadly, since my Eurail pass has run out already, I had to pay the full train fare to get there ("expensivo!") Furthermore, I took the suggestions of many (including the Lonely Planet) to stay at Balmer's Hostel (recently celebrated its 100 year anniversary), which proudly advertises on its website a number of activities (parasailing, canyoning, river rafting, sky diving, etc.), as well as a bar, and strangely enough for a hostel, a "night club". Okay, sounds fun, I'm here.
Caught a train connecting through Bern, and arrived at about 1 o'clock, checked in with the very friendly and helpful front desk, and was explained the two happy hours (6-7 pm and 9-10 pm), the nightly night club, and what exactly "canyoning" is. As it was explained to me, and as it turned out to be, it involves essentially hiking through a canyon, with a river running through the bottom, while wearing a wet suit, jumping off big rocks, sliding down big rock slides (like Switzer Falls in Angeles National Park, if you've been), and propelling down cliffs. There were three available trips for Saturday, one for 3 hours, one for 6 and one for 8, with corresponding prices. While the 8 hour trip was advertised as "strenuous", and "highly technical", the girls at the front desk recommended that I do that one, that I would indeed be able to handle it (even after I told her the story of how scared I was jumping between rocks in Iceland, and even after admitting that I am not that strong of a swimmer, and also that I have terrible balance).
I then asked about what to do NOW, and specified that I wanted to go on a short hike. I was recommended to climb to the top of Harder Kulm (a mountain within walking distance of the train station) and take the funicula down. Awesome! The walk was only supposed to take 2 hours and 20 minutes (which it in fact did), and I figured that it wouldn't be too challenging. It ended up being very steep and very challenging. I was reminded of how out of shape I have become, and this journey up further reminded me that I need to remedy this problem soon, which means I should be doing more hiking. Great scenery on the way up though, forests, view of Interlaken. I took a picture that I wanted to post, but I can't get it on here from the hostel shared computer. Shucks! When I made it to the top I was very relieved, but proud of myself. Another small sized Swiss mountain conquered! Took the funicula down, as promised.
Edit, here is the photo:
And was back at the hostel in time for the Happy Hour. It was not as easy to drink the two pints of Swiss beer I bought for 4 dollars as I thought it would be, but I made a good effort, while enjoying the new David Mitchell (am so relieved this book was good -- after how much I loved Cloud Atlas, I would be pretty bummed if he ran out of steam now).
Before eating dinner (a hamburger from the hostel grill), I chit chatted with some Australians in my room about the various places we had respectively been on this trip
At some point, I was in the lobby area watching Dodgeball with some strangers. It was somewhat funnier than I had remembered it being.
The "Night Club" was really something else, not that it was so great (as it was not), but insofar as in this quiet mountain town, in a hostel, there exists a hole in the ground that turns into a legit "club" like scene. I'd say the biggest downsides were 1) almost everyone there was college aged (this is not true of every hostel bar, fyi), and 2) the music choice was unbelievably unimaginative, which may be more typical than I would hope (as I rarely go to such places anyway), but seriously the Black Eyed Peas' "Boom Boom Pow" was by far the best song I heard. The best thing about it was that the drinks were cheap, and the atmosphere most definitely was lively.
Around midnight a crowd of about 15 people arrived and checked in at the same time. I think they all went to college together.
Indigo Girls -- Nashville
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